Saturday, 14 May 2016

Step Forward Big Fella!!

The Thanatar is finally done (we knew that already) and I've finally got some proper pictures taken. Lots of pictures. Lots n get the idea ;)

Really really happy how he's turned out so here's the man himself. Hope y'like him :)

C&C as always welcome


Thanatar Siege Automata

Thanatar Siege Automata

Thanatar Siege Automata


  1. I love it! How did you achieve the weathering on the shoulder pads?

    1. Hey there D - cheers for looking in. That whole thing has a bit of a process. I put down my old metal technique over a black base spray. Once that's cured I paint on 2 layers of MiG chipping fluid. When that's totally dry, I painted the armour panels as normal in a medium dark grey with shadows, then highlights. The I reactivate the chipping fluid adn scratch of the larger chips adn battle damage. The edges of the chipped areas are then higlighted/shadowed depending on their facig up or down. After than I put on a thin thin glaze of rhinox hide over the whole panel. Finally with a fine brush and runefang steel, I added in some thin fresh scrathes to the old metal showing through. That's basically it. Hope that helps :)

  2. Wow! That's certainly one long process, yet the effects are immense! Perhaps one day I could try that....

  3. Could you please email me at I have some questions for you

    1. If you have any questions about the painting, feel free to post them here and I'll do my best to answer them :)
