Thursday, 3 December 2015


Kataphrons Destroyers finally all done. Fantastic figs but, like most of the new GW AdMech are really intircate, fiddley and highly detailed. That is not a complaint - I love all the extra detail. The sculpts are gorgeous but do require an extra element of patience, esp in the builds. I finished building a squad of Skitarii Rangers and they are just a normal squad but still so highly detailed and a touch fiddly. Gonna look awesome when I (eventually) get 'round to painting them up. The King of fiddley has to go to the Sydonian Dragoon though - holy feth that thing was somethign else to put together!!! Yeah......I want another one!

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

AdMech Kataphron Destroyers

Anyways - here's the squad of Kats. The lead one has a command carrier platform and I jumped ahead and painted the Alpha of the Skitarii Ranger Squad to ride along. Hope you like them :D


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